South Island, New Zealand

Mahana School Outdoor Learning Enviro

Mahana School outdoor learning environment
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Mahana School Outdoor Learning Enviro

Local volunteers create a special place

Price Range
2 days
2 days
1 day

Project Overview

While in New Zealand, Headteacher Justin Neal asked us to create a place for outdoor learning in their school grounds.  Mahana is a lovely rural school with around 100 children. The site is situated at 42 degrees latitude with regular deep, clean blue skies.  Shade would be required for such a place and there was a perfect spreading Silk Tree in the corner of their front field.  In our design (see below) we anticipated that this corner, with additional planting, could become a mini wildlife oasis as well as a place for school activities.

We asked for voluntary help from their parent community and a bunch of kiwi’s came and transformed the site one Saturday in late winter.


The school benefitted from creating an outdoor classroom which is much used.  Children prefer to spend time outside than sitting in a classroom, and research has shown that learning is more effective in such an environment.  The school also saved money by using their local community and this had further benefits in the bonding and relations formed.

About 18 months later, the school continues to regularly use the area. The planting has grown rapidly and is forming a private yet welcoming space.

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